Are you tired of that joint pain that makes it difficult to walk straight? Do you depend on others for daily activities that you could do easily a few years ago? Do you want to enhance your lifestyle and walk tall throughout your retirement period? After a lot of bits of advice, are you planning to try a hands-on functional exercise? If all the answer is a yes, you are in the right place. The importance of being active has a remarkable impact on golden-agers, and you should adapt it to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Before digging into the details, it is very important to understand that exercising is no academic study that should have started at a particular age. You can start it at any age and enjoy the benefits that accompany it.

So, let us learn all about functional exercise and how it can help you age healthily.

What is functional exercise?

Functional exercise is that training practice or exercising routine that helps in performing daily chores with ease. It involves the imitation of everyday motions to make oneself fit, active and independent. This form of exercise primarily focuses on seniors who are dependent on others for running usual errands. With the advancement of age, deterioration of motor skills, imbalance, and increased fatigue are prevalent for generations.

However, seniors in this advanced era are conscious, mindful, and informed. They strive to challenge this age-old myth by staying active and grow old gracefully. If you are looking for that push or motivation to adapt exercises to your daily routine, read on. Let us identify the importance of being active to attain perfect health and confidence.

Importance of Functional Exercise

Staying active is essential for your physical and mental well-being, irrespective of your age. However, being active after you come to a senior citizen category should become a priority until it turns into a habit. Read further to understand the importance of being active. Along with physical advantages, you shall notice many psychological and mental benefits of exercising.

Physical Benefits

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    Diseases at bay

    By now, you might be suffering from common diseases like heart ailments and diabetes. Although they are incurable, you can surely provide them a setback by cardiovascular exercises such as walking or cycling. These activities increase the blood flow to the heart, making it stronger.

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    Punches the risk of falling

    Exercising imparts you the ability to balance yourself, reducing the risk of falling. Weight-bearing exercises like walking or jogging increase bone strength and reduce the risk of fracturing bones during fall.

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    Enhanced motor skills

    Including & practicing exercise improves blood circulation and strengthens muscles. Moreover, repeating regular movement for each of the joints will make it strong and flexible. This regime leads to improved motor skills.

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    Improved cognitive skills

    Researches has proved that aerobic physical exercises can improve cognitive skills in the elderly.

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    Maintaining a healthy body-weight

    Exercising regularly and staying active will speed up your metabolism, leading to better digestion. It increases muscle mass and reduces fat, leading to sound body weight.

Psychological Benefits

  • Achieving Independence- The worst thing that accompanies old-age is a dependency for doing trivial things & chores. Functional exercise gradually helps you stay independent.
  • Improved Mental Health- Exercise induces the hormone endorphins that act as a stress reliever and make you feel happy, satisfied, and contented. Moreover, doing physical work leads to having a good night’s sleep, making you fresh & active.
  • Confidence-Booster- Imagine how worthwhile it would be to be strong, healthy, and independent? It will encourage your emotional health and make you sheer confident.
  • Improved quality of life– The sensation of being self-sufficient will give you immense power and utter happiness. This competency & efficiency will bring a new spark to your life.

So, prepare yourself to embrace the journey of functional exercises to age gracefully.