When the spreading of COVID keeps on resurging creating chaos and panic around the globe with people thriving to hoard whatever they can. It doesn’t stop here; people are drowning in depression and anxiety, and it seems all the doors are locked. Millions of cases have been reported because of COVID-19 worldwide to this date because of the respiratory infection caused by a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. The question still lies there unanswered; how can we be safe and alive in the times of corona? The only way we can be safe and sound in a world completely occupied with the coronavirus is by adopting precautionary measures and staying inside unless it is really important to go outside.

The following points are taken from official resources like World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC), and the American Red Cross.

Staying Safe at Home:

As the infection spreads through droplets, WHO recommends necessary contact precautions that could minimize the exposure to these droplets.

During everyday work, people can take the following preventive measures and protect themselves from the COVID-19 pandemic. The WHO guidelines state:

  • Use alcohol-based sanitizers regularly and clean your hands with it, also use soap and water for washing hands. This point is also present in the CDC recommendations advising the people to use a sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, and washing should be last for about 20 seconds at least.
  • Clean the surfaces as the coronavirus adheres to the surface and stays on it. This includes cleaning kitchen seats and work desks every day with disinfectant.
  • Avoid going out in crowded places as the chances of catching the infection are higher with more people contained in your surroundings. This is strictly advised for older people (greater than and equal to 60 years of age) and people who have any underlying health problems.
  • Keep a distance and avoid close association with people having flu-like symptoms such as coughing and sneezing to avoid any doubt of coronavirus.
  • Don’t panic, and always get first-hand knowledge of the COVID-19 pandemic from authentic resources. Pan American Health Organization and WHO websites can cater to you in this regard.
  • The American Red Cross instructs you to avoid touching the mouth, nose, or eyes when you are out or before you haven’t gotten a chance to wash your hands.
  • The CDC advises taking a flu shot to avoid the development of any other seasonal respiratory infections and wear face masks made of cloth in public areas where there is difficulty keeping a distance of 6 feet.

So, if you want to fight the coronavirus and survive the COVID-19 pandemic, you need to take precautions.