Anything could happen during life, such as an accident or disease, making it challenging to inform your physicians of the medical care you desire. Furthermore, your financials can be impacted depending on the circumstances.

No one wants to think about such terrible instances, but every family will experience difficulty at some point. While medical and financial powers of attorney won’t prevent accidents or keep you young, they will make life simpler for you and your family in the case of an emergency.

Here’s what durable power of attorney for health care is and why you should look into it.

What is Power of Attorney?

Power of attorney requires an agent to take action, just like a durable power of attorney for health care; however, it doesn’t involve any medical treatment. Instead, power of attorney gives you access to appoint your legal or financial affairs to someone on your behalf.

On the other hand, limited powers of attorney cover just specified scenarios, such as allowing a car dealer to register a new vehicle.

Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care

A durable power of attorney for health care allows you to appoint someone to decide health care actions for you if you cannot do so yourself.

A regular power of attorney expires if you become mentally incapacitated; however, a durable power of attorney for health care has unique wording that keeps it in existence and instructs that individual on the kind of medical treatment you desire.

Why You Should Have Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care

You have the right to choose what type of medical care you desire. If you have specific healthcare desires, a durable power of attorney for health care will ensure that they are carried out even if you are physically or psychologically unable to communicate them to your doctors.

Even if you don’t have particular healthcare desires, a durable power of attorney for health care is a wise choice to have medical decisions made by someone you trust.

What happens if You Don’t Have Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care

Hospitals caring for patients who cannot make choices and do not have healthcare must follow their state’s rules for selecting individual decision-makers.

A patient’s guardian or spouse is usually the default decision-maker. However, if no guardian or spouse is available, the priority list of a decision-maker includes an adult child, parent, sibling, and any other distantly connected relative or friend.

Why Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care is Good

  1. Because they will not know the individual, a court-appointed guardian will not follow their care requests.

    As stated before, a durable power of attorney for health care allows individuals to designate someone who knows them and will become familiar with their particular care needs.

  1. An individual can give explicit instructions to their health care proxy via a durable power of attorney for health care paperwork. These instructions might include treatment options for life-sustaining conditions.

    Other treatment options could include wishes for the quality of their lives, their ideas and philosophies, and their death and burial.

Why Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Get’s Complicated

  1. The patient may give their health care proxy or agent precise instructions, which is a proactive approach when forming a durable power of attorney for health care documents. However, predicting every probable sickness, ailment, or damage is challenging.

    As a result, planning and providing instructions to prepare for these situations significantly affect the agent’s life. In these situations, the designated agent will make all primary health care decisions, which can be overwhelming at times.

  1. If the patient fails to communicate effectively with their health care proxy or agent, the representative will be unable to make decisions consistent with the principal’s values and views.

    They may find it challenging to discern what is vital to the patient and make judgments in unexpected situations.


After considering the traits and reasons listed above, selecting a person to serve as a durable power of attorney for health care should be someone devoted and caring to your needs.

The chosen individual may not wish to take on this duty; thus, another person must be picked and contacted. Choosing someone to handle a significantly responsible task is not easy, but you will appreciate it when uncertainty comes along.